Today we will disscuss some interesting math problems together. First of all,
1) Do you know how many corners a triangle will have if you cut down one of its corner?
Ans: Actually, this is a multi-answer question. It really depends on how you will cut it. However, according to the literal meaning of the problem, the answer should be two. In fact, this is not a correct answer.
Some possible anwers are: 3 and 4
Picture 1 shows the reasons.
2) Have you ever thought about how many it is to add 1 to 100?
You may think it should be a really big number, and it may take you an hour to do it. However, the fact is not so.
Ans: 1+2+3+4+5+...+97+98+99+100=
if you are quick at finding out things, you may figure out that there is actually a pattern:
How many 101 are there in the sum?
so 50*101=5050
Thus, 5050 is the right answer!!
Have you gotten it?
Math problems are not hard once you know the shortcuts. It is important for you to find out the patterns and regularities. So please don't jump into math problems directly and try to calculate it until you make a mistake, rather you should look at the question and think about it for a few minutes first.